Zeta Beta Tau Zeta Beta Tau (ZBT) was first organized in New York at Columbia University as a youth Zionist Society, officially becoming a Greek letter fraternal organization in 1903.
The original Psi chapter was colonized in Tuscaloosa with 15 men. As ZBT thrived, two additional Jewish fraternal organizations, Kappa Nu and Phi Epsilon Pi, also formed chapters on campus. Ultimately both merged into ZBT at the national and local levels. No longer an exclusive Jewish fraternity, ZBT has been open since 1954 to "All Men of Good Character" who understand and appreciate its mission and founding purpose.
Erected on the occasion of Zeta Beta Tau's Centennial at the University of Alabama Campus, March 2016
Sigma Alpha Epsilon Founded in Tuscaloosa on the campus of the University of Alabama on March 9, 1856. Its chapter designation, Alabama Mu, identified it as the mother chapter of the national collegiate fraternity.
Founding members: Noble Leslie DeVotie, Wade H. Foster, John Barratt Rudulph, Thomas Chappel Cook, John Webb Kerr, Samuel Marion Dennis, Nathan Elams Cockrell, Abner Edwin Patton.
Phi Gamma Delta
Theta Chapter House On this site in 1914, Theta Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta built the first Chapter House located on the campus of the University of Alabama. The house was the first structure on what became known as Fraternity Row, later known as "Old Row." That house, built in the Southern Colonial Style, remained the home of Theta Chapter until it burned to the ground in 1964. In 1966, the present Chapter House was completed on this site; it remains the home of the fraternity today.
Theta Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta was established on May 11, 1855, as the second-oldest existing fraternity at the University of Alabama, when John Mason Martin, Theodore G. Pierce, John J. Harris, and Walter C. Roper were initiated.
Sponsored by The Graduate Brothers of Theta Chapter in commemoration of the centennial of the building of the first Chapter House on the campus of the University of Alabama.
"Not for College Days Alone"
Kappa Delta Zeta Chapter of Kappa Delta first national Greek letter sorority at the University of Alabama. Chapter installed March 12, 1904. First members initiated in the Sigma Nu Hall by Katherine Lovejoy of Theta Chapter at Randolph-Macon Woman's College. First sorority to have Chapter in State of Alabama. Now oldest continuous Kappa Delta Chapter.
Delta Kappa Epsilon [front]
Psi Chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity first Greek letter fraternity at the University of Alabama. Organized by Louis J. DuPré, chapter installed June 20, 1847. First members initiated at Indian Queen Hotel by Charles Foote of Phi Chapter at Yale College.
Δ.K.E. house built 1916. Because of its location is known as "The Mansion on the Hill."
Psi Chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity installed at The University of Alabama June 20, 1847. The charter members were: Edward G. Baptist, James I. Bonner, Louis DuPré, Charles F. Henry, Edward L. Jones, John H. Lee, Richard B. Owen, Charles A. Pegues, Thaddeus H. Perry, George W. F. Price, Peyton W. Reynolds, Milford F. Woodruff.
Alpha Delta Pi
Organized May 15, 1851
Eta Chapter March 21, 1907 Alpha Delta Pi, the first college secret sisterhood, was organized at Wesleyan Female College, Macon, Georgia, the first women's college to grant academic degrees. Originally identified as Adelpheans, the group had three thousand alumnae and sixty active members in 1905 when it changed its name to Alpha Delta Phi (Pi in 1913) and began to expand nationally. Eta Chapter at the University of Alabama was the first chapter established in the state. Pi Kappa Kappa, the first local sorority at the University, had organized February 6, 1904 and became affiliated with Alpha Delta Phi (Pi) as the Eta Chapter on March 21,1907. Installation ceremonies were held in the rooms of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. Eta Chapter went into inactive status in 1909-10 because of the scarcity of eligible women students. Reactivation followed on February 14, 1931.