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Hoole Primary Source Sets

Sukey, Alabama, 1850


Sukey, Alabama, 1850
Handwritten receipt for payment of $22 from Mary Cocke to W. T. Webb for medical care (reproductive health) for this enslaved woman.

Cocke was a plantation owner in Marengo County, Alabama.
[Not a strict transcript. Ditto marks (") and notation (Do.) replaced with text for clarity, and monetary amounts rendered in standard form.]

Mrs. Mary Cocke
1848 To W. T. Webb Jr.
July 15th Call visit to Sukey $2.00
July 20th Visit to Sukey $1.00 Milage $2.50 [total] $3.50
July 20th Per vaginam examination $5.00
Aug 2th Visit to Sukey $1.00 Milage $2.50 [total] $3.50
Aug 8th Visit to Sukey $1.00 Milage $2.50 [total] $3.50
Aug 8th Per vaginam examination $5.00
[grand total] $22.50
Several visits made to Sukey after the above date without charge $00.00
Rec [?] of J. Cocke agent $22.50
Feby 5th 1850 W. T. Webb
5 February 1850
Marengo County, Alabama
Is Part Of
John Cocke papers (MSS.0328)
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Sukey 1850