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Ben, Alabama, 1851


Ben, Alabama, 1851
From the handwritten diary of Basil Manly Sr., explaining his reasoning for selling this enslaved man to Joseph W. Turner and Howell D. Peterson for notes and deeds totaling $900 plus interest.

Manly was a plantation owner in Tuscaloosa County. At the time, he was also president of the University of Alabama.
Sale of Ben
Sat. Feb. 22. Under a full persuasion that my negro boy, Ben, brought by me from North Carolina last summer, requires a different kind of discipline from that which he will get while I continue to own him, and that, in short, his faults are likely to be such that he might become valueless to me, I have this day sold him to Jo. W. Turner and Howell Dr. Peterson; and taken their obligations as follows -- Jos. W. Turner gives me a note for $450; and to secure the payment he has executed to Mr. D. J. Slade for my benefit a deed in trust on the lots on which his carriage shop and blacksmith's shop are situated - together with his tools. -- H. D. Peterson has given me a note on Jos. P. Turner for $304.37 of Dec. 31. 1851 -- on which there is a credit of $30 paid on Feby. 18. 1851, also his due bill for $22.39 and his note for $150 - The notes are made payable on the 5th day of March, AD. 1852. If paid, I will get $900. for Ben, with interest on that from this day. --
22 February 1851
Tuscaloosa County, Alabama
Is Part Of
Manly Family papers (MSS.0900)
Finding aid
Ben 1851