The Killing of a Society: Princess



The Killing of a Society: Princess


A tall inverted Y-shaped steel beam forms the body of the structure. A metal bowl forms a head, upon which are attached variously colored small metal cooking lids utilized to create a face on the bowl's surface. Two lids (one green, one blue) represent eyes, one red lid represents a nose, one white lid represents a mouth, and two floral lids are attached to the sides of the bowl to represent ears. Attached to the back of the bowl appears a corugated metal sheet. Small metal rods are attached to the sides of the bowl from which dangle curly bunches of wire. Two wires decorated with strings of black, white, and green plastic spray bottle caps dangle from the sides of the metal bowl. Beneath the structure's face, a cross-like steel piece is attached. As the two steel rods diverge from one another, a third steel rod intersects horizontally, connecting the structure to a vertical wooden pole for further support. Round metal spoked are attached to the horizontal steel rod. A chain is also wrapped around the base connecting the "Princess" to the companion piece, the "Queen." A circle of cement bricks surrounds the base of the structure, with a cross constructed of red bricks in the center. All metal utilized in the artwork is heavily oxidized.


Minter, Joe


Assemblages (sculpture)




Assemblages (sculpture)


found objects
steel rods
steel chains
metal plates
metal sheets
metal bowl