Petition from Jackson County Citizens to Andrew B. Moore; August 1859
Q0000133561 - Q0000133564
Petition from Jackson County Citizens to Andrew B. Moore; August 1859
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Citizens of Jackson County
From the Alabama Department of Archives and History Governor A. B. Moore Collection. Petition signed by Jackson County citizens to Andrew B. Moore requesting the pardon of Reeves Busbee for manslaughter on the grounds of old age.
Jackson County (Ala.)
Alabama Department of Archives and History. (electronic version)
Riley LoCurto
[[Jackson County, (Ala.)|County of Jackson]], aug. 1859
To His Excellency,
[[Moore, Andrew B. (Andrew Barry), 1807-1973|Andrew B Moore]]Gov<sup>r</sup>. of Ala.
The undersigned, citizens of Jackson County, would most respectfully represent to your Excellency, that at the Fall Term 1855, of the [[Circuit courts|circuit court]] of said County, [[Busbee, Reeves|Reeves Busbee]], was tried and convicted[[Convicted|conviction]] of the killing[[Manslaughter|man slauter]] of one [[Davies, Cornelius|Cornelius Davies]]— Judge[[Judges|judge/s]] E. W. Pettus, presiding, and J. M. Adams, now, dec<sup>d</sup>., being Solici-tor. The undersigned, being a portion of the Jury, who tried said case, and others, citizens of said county, who know the facts of the case, would most respectfully invoke the clemency of your excellency in granting him a pardon. We would state that Mr. Busbee, is an old and infirm[[Invalids|invalid/s]] man, about 72 years of age, and that previous to the time of this difficulty he had lived in said county, for a long series of years, and always bore the character of an honest, peaceful citizen, and there was strong grounds [page break] to beleive that in this case, he acted on the principle of <u>self</u> <u>defense</u>. Previous to the trial from an insane[[Mental illness|insane man/woman/person]] state of his mind he was confined[[Prisoner|prisoner/s]] in the Jail[[Jails|jail]] of said County nearly eight years, and had never been confined in the Peni-tentiary nearly four years, which we believe is ample punishment for said offense under all circum-stances, we therefore hope your Ex-cellence will now pardon him, and let him, as his days are but few on earth, return to his family and children, who are all respectable citizens of said state. We believe that this course on the pat of Your Excellency, will be altogether accep-table to the people of this County and in duty bound will ever pray [L<sup>e</sup>?]
W. L. Shelton Juror [Billifont?] Ala James Keys [Juror?]
Adam S. [Cayuertou?] Juror
W<sup>m</sup> M<sup>c</sup>Mahan Juror Stevenson
William Holder Juror
John Phillipes Juror
Henry Harris Juror Coffee Journ
L. G. Mead Juror
[page break]
H. M. Shelby J. P. W. Rains
J. M. Caston J. Snoser
Ja. [Sublet?]
A. [Caston?] W<sup>m</sup> Sublet
Nathaniel Hilbin J. W. Moody
David D. LangstonS. M. & J.B. J. [unclear]. Boyd
[unclear] L. A. Brown Elias Willborn
David R. Reynolds James L. Wellborn
Robert Logan
W<sup>m</sup> [Romans] Reace Haskham
Silas J. Romans H. S. [Chisehale?]
[unclear] B. R. [Hillin?]
A. C. Vaughan James [Fondres?]
John Boyd Alexander Weaver
A. Hillin W. B. [Fondres?]
A. [Wibon?] Davies John L. Carter
J. B. Wm Noogen
W. L. Vaught
Henry Sotherland G. W. [Sublet?]
[Sanas] North Joseph Beedes
Stephen [Heseds?] J. K. Childrey
Wm. Davis Redden Chisnhall
R. R. Romans A. Lengreys
W. L. Langston S. S, Burgess
J. S. Davis [Tole?] Bunton
G. H. Wellborn N. [Dayton?]
W,sup>m</sup> M. Hargood Mos. B. Parks
[page break]
The undersigned Representatives from Jackson & Dekalb Counties, cherfully reccomend Mr. Busbee to your clemency, believing that the wishes of the citizens of said counties, would in this particular respect be [subserved?]. We are, most of us acquainted with the facts connected with the case, and also, with public sentiment in [regards?] [unclear], and make it above recommendation in compliance with justice & in [unclear] and with the wishes of the citizens of said portion of the state, so far as known to us.
Nov. 29<sup>th</sup> 1859
P. G. Griffin
R. W. Higgins, Senator from Dekalb & [Marshall?]
[Seaford?] Cowan
J. T. Burgh
Reps from Dekalb
J. W. Davidson Bill
To His Excellency,
[[Moore, Andrew B. (Andrew Barry), 1807-1973|Andrew B Moore]]Gov<sup>r</sup>. of Ala.
The undersigned, citizens of Jackson County, would most respectfully represent to your Excellency, that at the Fall Term 1855, of the [[Circuit courts|circuit court]] of said County, [[Busbee, Reeves|Reeves Busbee]], was tried and convicted[[Convicted|conviction]] of the killing[[Manslaughter|man slauter]] of one [[Davies, Cornelius|Cornelius Davies]]— Judge[[Judges|judge/s]] E. W. Pettus, presiding, and J. M. Adams, now, dec<sup>d</sup>., being Solici-tor. The undersigned, being a portion of the Jury, who tried said case, and others, citizens of said county, who know the facts of the case, would most respectfully invoke the clemency of your excellency in granting him a pardon. We would state that Mr. Busbee, is an old and infirm[[Invalids|invalid/s]] man, about 72 years of age, and that previous to the time of this difficulty he had lived in said county, for a long series of years, and always bore the character of an honest, peaceful citizen, and there was strong grounds [page break] to beleive that in this case, he acted on the principle of <u>self</u> <u>defense</u>. Previous to the trial from an insane[[Mental illness|insane man/woman/person]] state of his mind he was confined[[Prisoner|prisoner/s]] in the Jail[[Jails|jail]] of said County nearly eight years, and had never been confined in the Peni-tentiary nearly four years, which we believe is ample punishment for said offense under all circum-stances, we therefore hope your Ex-cellence will now pardon him, and let him, as his days are but few on earth, return to his family and children, who are all respectable citizens of said state. We believe that this course on the pat of Your Excellency, will be altogether accep-table to the people of this County and in duty bound will ever pray [L<sup>e</sup>?]
W. L. Shelton Juror [Billifont?] Ala James Keys [Juror?]
Adam S. [Cayuertou?] Juror
W<sup>m</sup> M<sup>c</sup>Mahan Juror Stevenson
William Holder Juror
John Phillipes Juror
Henry Harris Juror Coffee Journ
L. G. Mead Juror
[page break]
H. M. Shelby J. P. W. Rains
J. M. Caston J. Snoser
Ja. [Sublet?]
A. [Caston?] W<sup>m</sup> Sublet
Nathaniel Hilbin J. W. Moody
David D. LangstonS. M. & J.B. J. [unclear]. Boyd
[unclear] L. A. Brown Elias Willborn
David R. Reynolds James L. Wellborn
Robert Logan
W<sup>m</sup> [Romans] Reace Haskham
Silas J. Romans H. S. [Chisehale?]
[unclear] B. R. [Hillin?]
A. C. Vaughan James [Fondres?]
John Boyd Alexander Weaver
A. Hillin W. B. [Fondres?]
A. [Wibon?] Davies John L. Carter
J. B. Wm Noogen
W. L. Vaught
Henry Sotherland G. W. [Sublet?]
[Sanas] North Joseph Beedes
Stephen [Heseds?] J. K. Childrey
Wm. Davis Redden Chisnhall
R. R. Romans A. Lengreys
W. L. Langston S. S, Burgess
J. S. Davis [Tole?] Bunton
G. H. Wellborn N. [Dayton?]
W,sup>m</sup> M. Hargood Mos. B. Parks
[page break]
The undersigned Representatives from Jackson & Dekalb Counties, cherfully reccomend Mr. Busbee to your clemency, believing that the wishes of the citizens of said counties, would in this particular respect be [subserved?]. We are, most of us acquainted with the facts connected with the case, and also, with public sentiment in [regards?] [unclear], and make it above recommendation in compliance with justice & in [unclear] and with the wishes of the citizens of said portion of the state, so far as known to us.
Nov. 29<sup>th</sup> 1859
P. G. Griffin
R. W. Higgins, Senator from Dekalb & [Marshall?]
[Seaford?] Cowan
J. T. Burgh
Reps from Dekalb
J. W. Davidson Bill
Moore, A. B. (Andrew Barry), 1807-1873; Governors--Alabama; Alabama--Politics and government--To 1865; United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865; Petitions; Crime--Alabama--History.