Petition from Dekalb County Citizens to Andrew B. Moore; November 1859



Q0000133565 - Q0000133568


Petition from Dekalb County Citizens to Andrew B. Moore; November 1859


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Citizens of Dekalb County




From the Alabama Department of Archives and History Governor A. B. Moore Collection. Petition signed by Dekalb County citizens to Andrew B. Moore requesting the pardon of Reeves Busbee for manslaughter.






Dekalb County (Ala.)


Alabama Department of Archives and History. (electronic version)


Riley LoCurto


November 1859
The undersigned citizens of [[DeKalb County (Ala.)|County of Dekalb]], being acquainted with [[Busbee, Reeves|[Reeves?] Busbee]], and having learned the facts connected with his conviction[[Convicted|conviction]], do most cherfully sign the foregoing [[Petitions, Legal|petition]] and hope his Excellency[[Moore, Andrew B. (Andrew Barry), 1807-1973|Andrew B Moore]], will par-don Mr. Busbee.
John [soaees?] As
James P. S. Arfes? ^his X mark^
G. W. Malone P. C. Tebo
R. Eestes J. T. C. W.m Bryant
W. J. Toberts C. L. John [M<sup>c</sup>Curely?]
Ed Winston R. M. William Mcpherson
R. M. Halgin S. b. Pattereson
W. W. Finiley A. a. Rem tate
James [unclear] [Prater?] Attorney at Law James Pasque
J. M. Lenkford Roy Rogers
R. J. Lankford Isaac Mcpherson [unclear]
John Luttrell J. W. Baxter
P. W. Lyons J. P. Baxter
A. Byron Willis Baxter
[henery?] Bryant henry Burt
Tommus Bryant Thomas Burt
Samuel means Elijah Burt
Tillman Bryant [Gorobus?] Burt
[page break]
R H [M<sup>c</sup>Coarvey?] John [Severffobose?]
Tomus [Tleuv?] John Gormet
W. H. Robinson Wm A. Petty
T. P. Clark James Baker
R. T. Scott Jr. James P. [Hark?]
Richard Sanford H. S. [Ponks?]
W. H. Larry A. J. [Kirby?]
John Law L. C. Coulson
Elemuel Law
Wm. Law G. A. [Lubbett?]
[J.?] C. Austin Sheriff John [Tore?]
C. M. St. tatum [Usade?] [bdight?]
C. L. Lipton John [Berdls?]
B— [Drodisass] Samuel Lipton
Jhn. [Snodgrassgh?] H. B. Lipton Jr.
Damiel M. Martin signed this cause he thinks Mr Reeves,Busbee aught not to have ever been found guilty
W<sup>m</sup> B. Martin John V. Gross
Jonathan [Eevans?]
J. H. Danforth J. J. [Sublett?]
Wm. H. Cowant Hisam Vaught
Thomas [Wewr?] William Lacks
[lelle.] Burgess [Chonly?] Vaughan
[page break]
James Hilton
A. G. Russell
John W. [Casks?]
L. H. Biever clerk Circuit Court Ala
John Nelson
Levi Jones
W.m. Nelson
<hr></hr>The undersigned citizens of Dekalb C<sup>o</sup> Ala. from their knowledge of the circum-stances Reeves Busbee con-viction, do cherfully sign the foregoing petion for his release
L. D. Patterson
J. B. Roberts
James D. Sinard
John H. Tielmore
James H. Sampleton
W. L. Driskill J<sup>p</sup>
[M?]. C. Newman
J. B. Walden
A. Moore
J. Morgan
Jonothon [Lashan?]
<s>[unclear]</s> [page break]
Joseph fletcher
Calbin Burt
Joseph Coflin
W. H. Mary
J. B. Sindlay
J. G. Simpson
A. W. Majors
J. M. Campbell
M. Chitwood
Samuel Majors
N. L. Cunningham
Wm. R. Laughlin
Reeves Busbee
[[Jackson County (Ala.)|County of Jackson]]
[[Circuit couts|circuit court]]


Moore, A. B. (Andrew Barry), 1807-1873; Governors--Alabama; Alabama--Politics and government--To 1865; United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865; Petitions; Crime--Alabama--History.