Roldán, Luisa



Roldán, Luisa

Family (Last) Name


Given Name


Alternate Name

La Roldana

Artist's Gender


Year of Birth


Place of Birth

Spain, Seville

Year of Death


Place of Death

Spain, Madrid

Child of (Provide Family Name/Given Name for parent)

Roldán, Pedro
y Villavicencio, Teresa de Ortega

Spouse of spouse/life partner (Provide Family Name/Given Name of partner/s)

de los Arcos Navarro, Luis Antonio

Associated Court(s) [Dynasty or Era or Family Name (i.e. Tudor or Ming)]

Spain, Habsburg, Charles II;
Spain, Bourbon, Philip V;

Associated Court Ruler (Family Name, Given Name)


Sculptor to the Bedchamber (Escultora de Cámara)
Sculptor to the King
Sculptor to her Majesty (Escultora de su Magestad )

Patron/s (Family Name/Given Name)


Ecce Homo;
Exaltation of the Cross;
St. Michael and the Devil;
St. Clare;
The Virgin and Child with St. John the Baptist;
Death of Mary Magdalene;
St. Servandus;
St. Germanus;
Virgin and Child with St Diego of Alcalá;

Locations Active

Spain, Seville
Spain, Madrid
Spain, Cádiz

Collaborates with (Provide Family Name/Given name for collaborator)

Roldán, Pedro
de los Arcos, Tomás Antonio
de los Arcos Navarro, Luis Antonio

Knows by Reputation (Provide Family Name/Given name of individual)

de Valdes Leal, Juan
Murillo, Bartolomé Esteban
de Hontañón, Don Cristóbal

Associated Media (Substantiating Bibliographic Information to Support Data Provided)

Grove Art Online:;
Christina Strunck, "Female Court Artists: Women’s Career Strategies in the Courts of the Early Modern Period."
Gaze, Delia (ed.), Dictionary of Women Artists, Vol. 2. (London: Fitzroy Dearborn, 1997), 1192-1194.

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