"Rust Normal Institute"


"Rust Normal Institute"
The First Colored School Established in Huntsville.
Tuition Free.

This well known school, will begin its next session the first Monday in September 1881. The usual number of teachers, who will not be changed, will be present at the opening of the school in the NORMAL DEPARTMENT special attention will be given to the theory and practice of teaching. Thorough instruction given in book-keeping. Those who expect to make teaching a profession would do well to attend school here. Many young men and women who qualified here are now engaged in the work of enlightening, and educating others. Many families are new being reared "in the way that they should go" by educated and christian [sic] fathers and mothers who are indebted to Rust Normal Institute for their education. In 1840 a large and commodious.
TWO STORY BRICK BUILDING was erected at a cost of seven thousand dollars, and well furnished with nice desks, and necessary apparatus. It is the only building erected in Huntsville for the education of colored youth. Many who teach in the Public schools every year receive instruction here before and after their schools close.
The teachers will take pleasure in securing homes for those wishing to attend from a distance. Write, and an answer will be promptly returned.
Many young men and women who could attend school at least four months in every year, spend their time in idleness and throw their money away buying trifles. This will prove to them a serious drawback in the future, and a source of deep regret.
Let all who can come, to school next session. A small amount assessed each pupil to defray incidental expenses. For further information address.
MISS O.L. SMITH, Huntsville, Ala.
July 16, 1881
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