"General Race News: Doings of Colored Americans Here and There"


"General Race News: Doings of Colored Americans Here and There"
Lieut. F.S. Armstrong, (colored) Ninth U.S. cavalry, was recently married to miss Jennie Dimmick.

H.O. Flipper, who was at one time a lieutenant in the Tenth United States cavalry, is doing duty as an interpreter in the courts at Albuquerque, N.M.

The Colored American of Washington has moved to more central quarters on 7th street and has opened a book store and news stand. - The Clipper.

Joseph H. Stuart, a colored attorney of Denver, Col., was successful in securing the nomination for representative at the Republican State Convention held at Denver last Monday.

Detroit has a colored painter of ability in the person of Richard Shewcraft. He has placed a fine picture in water colors in the Michigan State Convention held at Denver last Monday.

Bishop Tanner will accompany Bishop Turner to Bermuda to spend a few weeks in taking a much needed rest.

The first and most sacred duty of the Negro press is to educate the people up that point that they will know that Negro editors have to eat and wear clothes and live as other men. There are hundreds of men and women who would at least pay for the papers, that the editor struggles to get into their hands. It takes money to run a newspaper. - The New South
October 13, 1894
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