"A Proclamation"


"A Proclamation"
Executive Department,
Tuscaloosa, Dec. 7, 1830.
WHEREAS, it has been made known to this Department, that negro man slave, named Harry, the property of _________ Garner, who was convicted at a recent term of Monroe, of the murder of Mr Forster, has made his escape from the jail of said county. Now, therefore, I have thought proper to offer, and I do hereby offer, a reward of one hundred dollars, to any person who shall apprehend and deliver the said boy Harry, to the proper authority of Monroe county, that he may abide the sentence of the law, for the offence of which he stands convicted.
Given under my hand, and the seal of the State at Tuscaloosa, the 7th of December, 1830, and of the Independence of the United States of America the fifty-fifth.
By the Governor; GABRIEL MOORE.
James I. Thornton, Sec'y of State.
The following is the description furnished this Department to identify the said convict; aged between 25 and 30 years, about six feet high, quite black, very bold in his appearance and speech, and a very likely fellow, he has a burn upon his right hand, extending from his fingers to his wrist, the scare [sic] is very perceptible, although, his hand is but little, if any, crippled thereby.
January 8, 1831.
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