"Bolsheviki Would Organize Soviets in United States"


"Bolsheviki Would Organize Soviets in United States"
RUSSIA'S bolshevik leaders are planning to take advantage of industrial unrest and unemployment in America. A dispatch from Washington says official advices have been received from Moscow that the soviet authorities estimate there will be 5,000,000 idle workers in the United States by the end of this year. Two representatives of the Third Inernationale, which is boldly seeking to bring about a world revolution, have been sent here to organize soviets.
The bolsheviki may exaggerate the number of men who will be out of employment, but they know full well that there is already an industrial reaction taking place in the United States, as the inevitable result of the war, and such conditions offer the opportunity they seek to make converts. A man out of a job, particularly if he is the shiftless, inefficient type of workman, will listen to the pernicious doctrine of bolshevism, which ostensibly would place the proletariat in charge of industry, but is in reality a gigantic scheme to set up an oligarchy, forcing its will on the worker and the capitalist alike.
Bolshevik propaganda is being carried on in the United States now, and has been for several years, but largely under cover. By appealing to the radical elements and by trying to overthrow the conservative leadership of organized labor, it is hoped to create a powerful bolshevik sentiment in this country.
Obviously it is the duty of the American government to keep a close watch on suspicious characters already here and to prevent, if possible, the soviet organizers from entering the United States. One of the requirements Great Britain has made of the soviet government, before it will agree to resume trade relations, is that it must not carry on propaganda in Great Britain's Asiatic territory. Great Britain fears the menace of bolshevism, and has good reason to do so.
America has refused to recognize the soviet government and should be equally firm in dealing will its secret agents whose capacity for evil is unlimited.
November 25, 1920
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