"Oates Discusses Needed Changes"


"Oates Discusses Needed Changes"
General Oates expressed himself to an Age-Herald representative this morning as being very much gratified at the reception tender him by his home people, and discussed very freely the different subjects treated of ins his speeches. Probably the most interesting feature of his speeches was the stand taken on the question of the franchise.
"I advocated and will advocate in the convention if chosen a delegate," said General Oates, "some very radical changes in our present system of election., I want a system whereby absolutely fair and honest elections can be held in Alabama. Under our present system offices are bartered as any other commodity, and unless we get relief one or two more state elections will bring about a serious split in the ranks of the democratic party in Alabama. We cannot disfranchise the negroes as a class, for the constitution of the United States expressly forbids it, but we can cut off the ignorant by placing about the ballot such obstructions as will disqualify the lower and unintelligent element. I shall favor making the poll tax receipt a necessary evidence for the privilege of the ballot. This would increase the revenues of the state at least a quarter of a million dollars. An educational and property qualification are both fair and just.
"As a means of disfranchising many of the ignorant and dangerous class, I heartily favor that convictions for either larceny or felonies shall disfranchise a voter for a period of at least ten years, and then leave it to a joint ballot of the general assembly as to whether a person so convicted shall be again granted the franchise."
March 10, 1899
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