Equality for Eaters? — Thai Butternut Squash Soup


“For a start, most animals who kill for food would not be able to survive if they did not, whereas we have no need to eat animal flesh. Next, it is odd that humans, who normally think of the behavior of animals as ‘beastly’ should, when it suits them, use an argument that implies that we ought to look to animals for moral guidance.” – Peter Singer, “Equality for Animals?

Singer’s arrogance in his article “Equality for Animals?” is among the multitude of reasons why many omnivorous people despise vegans. Often, their vigilance against all animal products, including eggs, dairy, and honey, comes across as preachy or self-righteous. Many vegans are just as offended at someone delighting in a crispy fried chicken thigh as I am when I see someone wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat or tee. Politics aside, vegans can be a finicky bunch. Continue reading

Surin of Thailand: Thai Cuisine Meets College Culture

Address: 1402 University Blvd, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401

Nestled between the red brick and white pillar “old south” aesthetic of The University of Alabama, and the slightly more modern downtown Tuscaloosa, lies the unassuming Surin of Thailand. Surin originally opened in Atlanta in 1990, but has since found a home on The Strip in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. This restaurant chain features a collection of self-proclaimed authentic Thai cuisine and sushi options that still feel very approachable to college students and Tuscaloosa natives alike. Patrons can order anything from Thai curry to vanilla bean crème brulee. Surin makes no claims about famous chefs or innovative menu items but does promise “Master Thai Chefs,” fresh ingredients, and an impressive martini menu– all of which fall within the typical college student’s budget. Continue reading