A Conversation with Jeri Wieringa (1.4)

During this ADHC Talk, Sara and Jeri will talk about the future of DH: What technologies will have big impact? What infrastructure will be necessary to support sustained DH scholarship? How do we train future DH scholars?

a state of a woman's face with the nose broken off

Past Perfect

This site is devoted to the Department of Religious Studies‘ “REL Goes to Greece 2011” annual study abroad program–begun in 2008–which brings a small group of University of Alabama undergraduate students to Thessaloniki, Greece, for three weeks. This site’s content (i.e., the posts created by all those participating in the May 2011 trip) focuses on the ways in which different versions of an idealized past are created and communicated by different contemporary social actors–in their narratives, behaviors, and institutions.

An image of two people swimming on the edge of a waterfall

Culture on the Edge

Culture on the Edge is comprised of a core collaborative research group and its invited guests. Together they interrogate the contradiction between the historicity of identity, which is always fluid over place and time, and common scholarly assertions of a static and ahistorical origin for an identity community (whether religious, national, ethnic, etc.) against which …