Billy Joe “Bull” Mims

Billy Joe Mims was born in Clanton, Alabama, on January 11th, 1944. When he was 13, Billy would begin his job in construction and would work in the summers when he wasn’t attending school. Billy J. Mims declined a basketball scholarship to Livingston College (Now known as West Alabama) to work in construction, moving to Mongomery, Al, after turning 18. Billy would work construction in Montgomery for two years, Marrying his wife, Theda, at this time. At just 20 years old, Billy would be drafted into the war in 1964.


Fort Leavenworth

After being drafted into the United States Army in 1964, Billy Mims went to Fort Bennings in Georgia to complete his basic training. After completion, Billy was sent to Fort Leavenworth in Missouri, where he would teach prisoners how to do carpentry to support the war effort on the home front. He would play basketball at Fort Leavenworth and claimed it “Wrote his ticket” while at the base. Billy would spend Six months in Leavenworth before getting his orders for Vietnam.

“he had been averaging 26 points a game I held him to 18 points. And then, from then on I just wrote my ticket. I played basketball and then later softball. But it was a it was it was a good place to be stationed and the people were real friendly in Leavenworth.”

Billy would spend around 6 months in Fort Leavenworth; Billy would get his orders at 11:00 A.M. in the morning and manage to clear the base at 3:00 P.M. He would go see his wife Theda in Montgomery before leaving for Vietnam.

The War

After being shipped out to Vietnam, Billy would arrive in Cam Rahn Bay. He would be with the 497th Port Construction Company. There, he would work with civilian companies on the ports in the bay. He mentioned the whole base being powered by these large power ships. He would receive a temporary assignment in Nha Trang where he would be “driving pilings, building the pier for the loading and offloading for PEX supplies and equipment.” He would go on to speak about the food in Nha Trang; Billy would go on to say he gained weight while he was in Vietnam.

Bridge on QL One

After his temporary duty in Nha Trang, Billy would go to Toy Hoa. While in Toy Hoa, Billy would have to defend during the TET Offensive. Toy Hoa was the only major South Vietnamese City where the perimeter defenses were not penetrated during the offensive. Billy would drive pilings during his time in Toy Hoa; He mentioned fixing bridges along the QL One. Here, he said he didn’t see much combat but would see perimeter fire. In a past interview with Billy, He mentioned unloading bodies from the Helicopters.

After the War

“I’d jump, you know, I’d sit straight up because over there you sleep but you don’t sleep.”- Billy Mims

After the war, Billy would not see much hostility. He discussed seeing protests when arriving in Atlanta after the war, but it was the only time he had received hostility. After the war, Billy would have trouble in the night. He would get startled by loud noises and bangs. Billy Mims would go on to say that he became a man while in the war.

Picture taken from Cam Rahn Bay

Billy’s experience during the war would be similar to so many. When he returned, Billy would suffer some minor PTSD, waking up to loud noises and sitting up. Billy says he grew in the war. 58,318 American Soldiers were killed in a conflict overseas. Billy told so many different accounts of the Vietnamese people, He discussed them building an officer’s bar and them using their feet like their hands when building. He discussed the talents of the Vietnamese people and was impressed by them.


Cam Rahn Bay U.S. naval base 1965-1971 – The Mobile Riverine Force Association. img. (n.d.).

The military draft during the Vietnam War. Omeka RSS. (n.d.).

Vietnam Security Police Association, Inc. (USAF). (n.d.). Tuy Hoa Air Base: 31st SPS, photos by Ed Wilson. 1968.

Special Thank You to Billy Mims and Theda Mims