Aug 20: Stephen Bannon, President Trump’s former chief strategist, is arrested and charged with fraud. Prosecutors in New York accused Bannon and three other suspects of participating in a “scheme” to defraud people who donated to a “We Build the Wall” effort to raise money for the construction of barriers on the U.S.-Mexico border. New jobless claims rose above 1 million again this week. 

National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien denies that systemic racism exists in the police forces, May 31, 2020. Schulkin, Danielle. “White Supremacist Infiltration of US Police Forces: Fact-Checking National Security Advisor O’Brien.” Just Security, June 1, 2020.
Kamala Harris DNC Speech: ‘There Is No Vaccine for Racism,’ 2020.

President Barack Obama’s speech at the Democratic National Convention, NBC News, August 19, 2020,

NPR All Things Considered: As We Return To Work And School During The Pandemic, Can The Air Inside Be Kept Safe?
Domonoske, Camila. “Building Ventilation, Fresh Air And Reducing COVID-19 Risks Indoors.” NPR, August 20, 2020.

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Cox, Kate. “Cops in Miami, NYC Arrest Protesters from Facial Recognition Matches.” Ars Technica, August 19, 2020.
Lee, Timothy B. “Detroit Police Chief Cops to 96-Percent Facial Recognition Error Rate.” Ars Technica, June 30, 2020.
Rivera, Eddie. “One Officer’s Camera Off During Shooting, Other Officer’s Footage to Be Released Today; Demonstrations Continue.”, August 19, 2020.
Berman, Russell. “Barack Obama Is Scared.” The Atlantic, August 20, 2020.
Kilgore, Ed. “The Origins of the ‘Police Riot.’” Intelligencer, June 9, 2020.
Tzu-Chun Wu, Judy. “The U.S. 1968: Third-Worldism, Feminisms, and Liberalism.” The American Historical Review 123, no. 3 (June 1, 2018): 710–16.
Flaherty, Colleen. “Women’s Journal Submission Rates Continue to Fall.” Inside Higher Ed, August 20, 2020.
Grim, Ryan. “The Trump Administration Is Giving Political Appointees Power Over Apportioning Federal Funds.” The Intercept, August 20, 2020.
Bekiempis, Victoria. “Steve Bannon Pleads Not Guilty to Fraud after Arrest on Luxury Yacht.” The Guardian, August 20, 2020, sec. US news.
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* Timeline summaries at the top of the page come from a variety of sources:, including The American Journal of Managed Care COVID-19 Timeline (, the Just Security Group at the NYU School of Law (, the “10 Things,” daily entries from The Week (, as well as a variety of newspapers and television programs.