This is a column written in response to the homosexual group at Auburn trying to gain University recognition. The author is against all of this. They mention Sodom and Gomorrah and say, “for God’s sake!” in response to the situation.
In this column, Michael Beaty emphasizes the need for compassion like that of the Good Samaritan. He says every sick person, including homosexuals, deserve care.
This is a column from Michael Beatty about dealing with his friend having AIDS. He briefly denounces Christians who don’t “love thy neighbor as thyself” or “hate the sin but love the sinner.”
In this column from David van der Griff, the author talks about how using the Bible as an argument against homosexuality doesn’t work because it’s based on interpretation. It also says you can be spiritual but not religious.
In this letter to the editor from Evelyn Burch, the author laments that the Mayor welcomed a homosexual conference and says it’s against Biblical teaching.
This column by Adam Dauro points out Biblical contradictions and says we must think for ourselves rather than look to a flawed document for an ethical code.