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This shows undergraduate student opinion about the Gay Student Union at the time of it's foundation on the University of Alabama campus.

This column from Natalie Maiden says picking and choosing Bible verses to justify homophobia insults homosexuals and the Bible itself.

This is a letter to the gay student organization asking them to stop trying to justify their sin.

An email concerning the planning of a GLBA party, including explicit directions to the end location.

This letter to the editor from John Burke Jr. says that the Bible doesn't condemn homosexuality any more than divorce or sex outside marriage. There's an emphasis on love. It questions whether the Bible is an adequate guide to sexual conduct.

This image is a response to a fake flyer posted around campus. It is unknown what the motivations were, as the culprits claimed it was just a joke and that nothing would have happened had anyone turned up at the location. Something else to note is…

This is an email two pastors, John Hankins and Andy Mullins, sent to encourage people to fight against homophobia by people like Roy Moore. They say that Moore encouraged hate in the name of God.

This is a column written in response to the homosexual group at Auburn trying to gain University recognition. The author is against all of this. They mention Sodom and Gomorrah and say, “for God’s sake!” in response to the situation.

This editorial mentions that an SGA Senator said he voted to cut G/LA funds for religious regions.

A flyer invitation for a G/LA mixer. The flyer contains no directions to the end location.
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