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  • Tags: gay

This is a letter to the editor from Chad Steenerson who says we should show homosexuals unconditional love even if we don’t condone their actions.

This is a satirical letter to the editor from Joseph Fotzenberg that critiques Christian condemnation of homosexuality.

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This is a letter to the GSU that encourages them to repent and be saved by Christ.

This letter to the editor from Meklejohn McKenzie condemns homosexuality with multiple bible verses and prays that homosexuals will be cured.

This letter to the editor from Nia Pauliukonis says true Christians are loving to all people and remember the golden rule. The author uses Bible verses to emphasize this.

This letter from the sibling of Elliott Jones says Jones struggled with his homosexuality because of his Southern Baptist faith. His parents (also Southern Baptist) were entirely loving and accepting when he came out.

This is a letter thanking a member of the Gay Student Organization for writing an article about the TCGLO. It ends with a blessing.

This letter to the editor from Sean Randall says every Biblical argument against Christianity has a valid counterargument.

This column by Adam Dauro points out Biblical contradictions and says we must think for ourselves rather than look to a flawed document for an ethical code.

This column by Marlin Caddell laments the breakdown of society due to ignoring God’s law that marriage can only be between a man and a woman.
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