Sep 19: Trump says he will nominate a woman for the Supreme Court. Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, (R-KY) says they will fast track a nomination. Four years earlier, when Justice Scalia died under the Obama presidency, McConnell claimed that it was inappropriate to fast track a SCOTUS candidate during an election year.

Sep 20: Senate Republican leaders rush to prepare for confirmation hearings as quickly as possible after President Trump announces who he is nominating. In the wake of RBG’s death, Biden’s fundraising exceeds Trump’s by $141 million.

Sep 21: The CDC removes guidance from its website that had been posted 3 days earlier saying that the transmission of COVID-19 is airborne. Johnson & Johnson announces that it began a large phase 3 clinical trial of its COVID-19 vaccine candidate. The Justice Department labels the cities of Portland, Oregon, New York, and Seattle as “anarchist jurisdictions” that could lose federal funding for failing to protect the public from “violence and destruction of property.” The United States logs about 52,000 new coronavirus cases, the most since August 14.


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Brian Master, “No Charges for Omaha Bar Owner,” KCAU-TV Sioux City, June 2, 2020,

Kent Ludson, “Jacob Gardner Dies by Suicide,” KMTV 3 News Now Omaha, September 20, 2020,

Camille Schrier and Nora Volkow, “Opioid Use and Drug Safety during COVID-19,” National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA/NIH), July 2, 2020,

Francis Collins with Nora Volkow, “Effects of COVID-19 on the Opioid Crisis,” National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA/NIH), July 7, 2020,

“History of the Opioid Crisis: How We Got Here,” University of California Television, August 13, 2019,

“Opioids, Inc.,” Frontline, PBS, June 18, 2020,

Dillon, Jerry. “Should Pseudoephedrine (PSE) Be Moved from Behind the Counter to Prescription-Only?” Martin School of Public Administration – University of Kentucky, 2011.
Pennacchia, Robyn. “His Gov’t Job Was Informing Public About COVID-19. His Other Job Was Calling For Fauci To Be Executed,” Wonkette, September 21, 2020.

Weill, Kelly. “The Far Right Gives Jake Gardner the Kyle Rittenhouse Hero Treatment.” The Daily Beast, September 21, 2020,

Tribou, Richard, Mario Ariza, and Steven Lemongello. “DeSantis Proposes Law to Quash ‘Disorderly Assemblies’ in Wake of Floyd, Other Protests,” Orlando Sentinel, September 21, 2020.
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