William Gouge

William Gouge


William Gouge was born in 1575 in Stratford-le-Bow, Middlesex. He was educated at Felsted, St. Paul’s School, Eton College, and King’s College, Cambridge. He then graduated in 1601 with his masters and moved to London shortly after. After spending many years in prison for publishing controversy works under his own name he joined the Westminster Assembly regularly. In 1644, at age seventy he was made chairman of the committee set to draft the Westminster Confessions. Later, in 1647, he was appointed prolocutor of the Provincial Assembly of London.

Of Domesticall Duties was Gouge’s most popular text that was a thorough discussion of family life. The text talked of how the woman of the family was above the children while still being below the husband. This book was very followed during the time period in which it was written (1622). It acted as a sort of conduct book. Gouge had thirteen children. His wife died giving birth to the last child. He had many other writings such as The Whole Armor of God, In God’s Three Arrows: Plague, Famine, Sword , and Commentary on the Whole Epistle to Hebrews.

Gouge was a preacher for 45 years which may be something that seems a little obvious when looking at his writings and even the titles of some things he wrote.

William Gouge died in 1653, he was 78.

