
UAGLA Constitutional Crisis Document # 2

University of Alabama SGA Resolution on UA Gay Lesbian Alliance

In the Miller-Stephens collection I found a University of Alabama Crimson White newspaper clipping titled, “Senate approves resolution on legality of G/LA funding”. Mentioned in the article was the statewide controversy involving Auburn University’s Gay-Lesbian Alliance, and so I began using newspapers from Tuscaloosa, Auburn, and Montgomery, to fill in missing information, and to find a complete timeline of events. I then compared the outcome of Auburn University’s Gay Lesbian Alliance to UA’s. I discovered that after legislation passed to make G/LA’s essentially illegal, the AUGLA struggled to establish a presence within the community, as well as a structure for their own organization. The outcome from Auburn University enabled me to clearly define what allowed the University of Alabama Gay Lesbian Alliance to remain unhindered in their influence, after the same ​obstruction​ as the Auburn University Gay Lesbian Alliance.