Flyers Posted on Campus

Threatening Flyer

This image is a response to a fake flyer posted around campus. It is unknown what the motivations were, as the culprits claimed it was just a joke and that nothing would have happened had anyone turned up at the location. Something else to note is that the poster had the wrong name of the organization. As of 2002, the name was GLBTA, not GLBA.  Acts of legislation against the organization were still ongoing and likely inspired the fake, and possibly dangerous, event. [1]

Threatening Flyer

This image is another flyer that was posted in the Ferguson Student Center. As can be seen, it is in direct response to the front page image previously mentioned and includes threats to the queer community. Another flyer with the same basic formatting was posted the same day in the same place, but it was written to seem as if it had been written by a queer student. That flyer went on to claim a riot would be started at a music festival after using multiple racial slurs. [2]

1 Hoole Special Collections Library, Miller-Stephens LGBTQ UA Student Organization collection, Box 2, Folder 6, Fake Event Flyer

2 Hoole Special Collections Library, Miller-Stephens LGBTQ UA Student Organization collection, Box 3, Folder 5, Hate Flyer

Flyers Posted on Campus