GLBTA Cookout
These directions are the manifestation of a group more comfortable declaring themselves. The invitation leads GLBA members to the home of Rose Gladney, the first out faculty adviser of the group, and her partner Marcia Winter. The format of the directions is the first indication of the group’s increased comfort, with the half sheet flyer layout indicating a larger intended audience than previous handouts. A clearer indication of the group’s increased comfort level is the indication that the home listed as the party location is that of an out lesbian couple - writing “DIRECTIONS TO THE HOME OF MARCIA WINTER AND ROSE GLADNEY” is the clearest declaration of comfort within identity the group shows. The clarity and directness of the directions to the Winter-Gladney home, running a paragraph long and including both an end address and a home phone number, shows a group proud to declare their queerness, even as they do so off campus grounds.