Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Map

Sir Gawain had many adventures on his journey to meet his fate with the Green Knight.

He starts the tale in the lively court of Camelot during Yuletide festivities (Line 37).

He remains here until November 1 and then sets off (Line 536).

Our gallant knight rides through the English lands (lines 691-96).

Then gallant Gawain is in north Wales, with the Isle of Anglesey to his left (697-98)

Next he crosses at Holy Head, and arrives in the wilds of Wirral (700-701).

After failing to hear anything of the Green Chapel, he continues on to strange mountains (713-15).

Descending the mountains on Christmas Eve, he crosses forests and marshes in search of a house for mass (740-755).

His prayers are answered, he arrives at a castle unknown to him in the forest (763-767)

Here he stays until New Year’s Day (1998-99)

His guide leads him to Green Chapel from here, crossing many daunting obstacles (2074-2090)

Gawain follows the directions of the guide down to the Green Chapel, and meets the Green Knight, Bertilak (2160-2185).

After fulfilling the wager, and asking repentance for his deceptive ways, Gawain makes off for home (2475-2483)

Finally, Gallant Sir Gawain reaches the King’s court in Camelot, where he retells his journey (2489-End).

References: Norton Anthology of English Literature Volume A, Pages 186-238

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