Dancing Digital Progress Blog

Dancing Digital Progress Blog



Dancing Digital is a project funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities to create and facilitate more accessible, equitable, sustainable, and interconnected dance resources online. Dancing Digital involves multiple levels of collaboration. Gesel Mason has joined this phase of the project as Co-Director. Gesel is both an Associate Professor of Dance at UT Austin and Director of Gesel Mason Performance Projects (GMPP). It is her curated collection, No Boundaries: Dancing the Visions of Contemporary Black Choreographers that serves as the material for our prototype digital archive. Other collaborators include the Alabama Digital Humanities Center (ADHC), the College of Fine Arts at UT Austin, and the Harry Ransom Center at UT Austin.
Project Owner(s): Professor Rebecca Salzer

Topic: Choreography, Dance & Theater

Tool: WordPress

Methodology: Linked Open Data, Video Documentary

Project Status: Live